
Student volunteers: Service-learning hours available!

Posted by BPV on Apr 29 2024 at 03:04AM PDT in 2023

For high school and college students needing to fulfill volunteer service-learning hours: Bettendorf-Pleasant Valley Youth Baseball offers several opportunities over the course of a year but especially during the impending season!

  • Offering a number of hours in a small amount of time is BPV’s fundraising baseball tournament the weekend of May 18-19 (Saturday-Sunday games). Service-learning hours are available helping with either concessions or grounds-crew duties. Games run 8 am-6 pm Saturday and Sunday at Crow Creek Park and Devils Glen Park. Setup hours are also available during the week leading up to the tournament. This is a great way to fulfill requirements while working with friends and supporting your community. All time slots are available! To reserve a spot, or for more information, contact Steve Tappa at
  • Also available are concession hours during games in the spring, summer and fall. The BPV offers concession stands at the Crow Creek Park 4-Plex and Saldivar Field at Devils Glen Park. The 4-plex concession stand operates from roughly 5:30-8:30 p.m. each weeknight to mid-July. The smaller concession stand at Devils Glen Park’s also begins operating six nights per week (5-10 p.m., Monday-Friday and Sundays) from the day after Memorial Day to early August (with Wednesday night openings each week in May from 5:30-9). … Both concession stands also operate on the weekends during BPV’s Fall Ball program from mid-August to mid-October (Saturdays at the 4-Plex, Sundays at Devils Glen).
  • There also are several behind-the-scenes tasks available working with the league — including equipment and facility management; grounds keeping and special event set up/tear down. All of these volunteer hours can be easily worked around your other activities!
  • BPV is a 501(3)c non-profit organization of volunteers with a 3-pronged community service mission that includes providing community-based youth baseball regardless of financial need to children ages 6-20. The BPV also supports baseball facility improvements in our city parks as well as raising funds for college scholarships at Bettendorf & Pleasant Valley high schools for the program’s best and brightest senior graduates. For more information, or to inquire about a spot on the volunteer team, contact Steve Tappa at